Web Marketing Applications
Free Web Marketing Applications built into your Web Site Control Panel

We’ve incorporated a collection of Web Marketing Applications within your Web Site Control Panel that will help you easily market your web sites on the Internet. Our sitemap generator can help you get a precise sitemap of your web site. Moreover, you’re able to upload that sitemap to major search engines to index your site. The RSS News tool will help you make new information on your index page so you could get far better opportunities to move high in search engine listings. At the same time, we have designed a GeoIP re–direction instrument that will let you target your site visitors far more precisely in line with their particular location.
A Sitemap Generator
Get a sitemap with all of your web pages a click of the mouse
The quickest way to get your newly launched site scanned by the major search engines will be to submit a sitemap. The sitemap displays all of the web pages within your site and by submitting it to a search engine, you tell it you want those pages to get scanned as soon as possible. Sitemaps are usually developed by third–party tools. Nevertheless, here, you don’t need to move out of your Web Site Control Panel. Domain x Host’s inhouse developed Sitemap Generator is bundled into the Advanced Resources section and is going to set up a sitemap on your behalf with a mouse click.
All you need to do is choose the highest number of pages you desire to be crawled, the depth of the indexed URLs as well as the format of the sitemap report.
GeoIP Redirection
Straightforward location–driven re–directions
We offer an uncomplicated application, which will help you filter the visitors of your website in accordance with their country. For instance, using the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you can quickly forward all of the customers coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site in case you have such. This enables you to target your clients more accurately and supply them with the onsite experience they expect to have.
No specific skills or special experience are necessary to use the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to get the job done.
RSS News
Show the most recent headlines within your web site
In the Domain x Host Web Site Control Panel, we’ve integrated an instrument, which lets you embed information from the trusted media sites on the globe inside your web sites, with just a mouse click. Our News application works on auto–pilot and doesn’t require any extra setup work from you,
The RSS News Publication module is easy to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You’ll be able to adjust the total number of news items that are going to be presented, the way they will look like, how they will be ordered, and so forth.